30-day challenge

To literally clear out the poop and give yourself a boost!

This challenge has some super easy actions to take to help support the healthy elimination of toxins, your mitochondrial health and cellular energy production, AKA help you stop feeling knackered, foggy, drained, and congested!

how well are your drains working?

For our body to efficiently clear toxins, waste products and hormones, and to avoid becoming congested, we need good drainage pathways.


A congested body can experience many negative symptoms including, digestive dysfunction, skin issues, hormonal imbalances, mood issues, fatigue, brain fog, and more.


Drainage is a process where-by various organs are stimulated to excrete and transport toxins out of the body. 


It is important that these pathways are open and clear before any detoxification protocols or parasite cleanses are done to avoid reabsorption of toxins. 

How's your poop?!


  • Are you pooping less than 2-3 times a day?
  • Do you have chronic fatigue you can't explain?
  • Do you barely sweat when exercising or in the sauna?
  • Do you have rashes, dark spots on your skin, and/or cellulite?
  • Do you have swollen glands and lymph?
  • Do you have tender breasts?
  • Do you have puffy eyes when you wake?
  • Do you have fatty yellowish lumps around your eyes?
  • Do you have liver or gallbladder pain or congestion (pain around the bottom of the rib cage on your right side)?
  • Do you have trouble digesting fatty foods?
  • Do you frequently wake up between 1-4 am?
  • Do you have brain fog?
  • Do you retain water easily?
  • Do you have mood problems?
  • Do you have a suppressed Immune system?
  • Do you suffer with low blood sugar, high blood pressure, and/or high cholesterol?

Welcome to your drainage funnel!

Think of this like the garbage disposal in your sink.


If it, or the drain, is clogged and you start running water in trying to clean the sink, you’re going to end up with a backed-up mess.


But if the garbage disposal and plumping pipes are clear, you can clean the sink, and the dirt, plus any other nasties that happen to fall in, all get moved down through the drain and out into the sewer system easily.


If your pipes aren’t clear, then you will be congesting the body and reabsorbing toxins, which can lead a reaction known as the “Herxheimer Effect” where you experience flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, nausea, brain fog etc.

When clearing our drainage funnel I like to start at the bottom with the colon, and first ensure that we’re pooping with full bowel voids at least once, but ideally 2-3 times a day. This is because:

  • If our colon is congested, the liver, gallbladder, skin, kidneys, bile ducts, and lungs are affected.
  • If the liver and bile ducts have stagnation, then the lymph flow is negatively impacted.
  • If the lymphatics aren’t flowing well, then the organs and tissues get congested.
  • If the organs and tissues are congested, your cells and mitochondria are negatively impacted.

During the challenge we’ll be supporting all levels of your drainage funnel!

boost your energy & drainage now!


Can you do the challenge if pregnant or breastfeeding?

Can you detox when pregnant or breastfeeding? Not advised…

Can you support minerals and drainage pathways when pregnant or breastfeeding? Hell Yes!!!! You NEED to!


The Energy & Drainage Boost Challenge isn't a detox. Detoxes can be dangerous when pregnant, whereas this challenge will be very much relevant to help support you during pregnancy and postpartum.


During pregnancy and postpartum, minerals and nutrition in general are massively important in the health of your baby and yourself, as is getting rid of wastes in the body.


Minerals support cellular energy production needed for the body to function and for all the systems in the body to do their job - for nutrients to get into cells and wastes products to get out.


Many mums without balanced minerals can experience postpartum depletion, anxiety, and depression, often due to an adrenal and liver insufficiency that's disrupting hormone clearance, copper and iron metabolism, and thyroid hormone activation.


This challenge will help support the safe elimination of wastes and toxins (what your body is already doing every second of every day), as well as your cellular energy production; something that’s most definitely needed to grow or feed your baby and maintain your health, so please join us!

What you get


Daily delivery of habits

No buying this and leaving it in a dark drawer never to be seen again! I'll be straight in your inbox each morning with that days super easy habit to try so you keep on track!


super quick mini-videos

No need to put time aside to digest the content, let me introduce you to that days habit in a 2-10 min video that you can listen to on the go, washing up, or making dinner.


habit tracker

Download your electronic or printable habit tracker to keep you consistent after the challenge. Life happens and I know you don't want to regret not keeping up with your new habits. This is a great visual reminder that also comes with a dopamine hit as you check off your boxes!


ebook for easy reference

Can't wait for the daily content and want it all NOW?! This ebook has links to all your videos plus transcripts and resources for you to get stuck in!

What they're saying about the challenge…

“The talk about pooing daily really really helped because I wasn't and now I am!”

“Although I have come in halfway through the few small changes on my lifestyle have made a huge difference. I'm sleeping better and have less brain fog"

“Yesterday was the first day I've had more solid poop after having diarrhoea for two years.

“My skin is less oily, slight reduction in stubborn belly fat which sits high on my abdomen. Mouth feels fresher throughout the day, no diarrhoea, just feel better overall”

I've been feeling a bit sluggish and certainly wasn't pooping regularly - I have definitely seen some improvement even just implementing the few things I have. Thanks so much for the info!

What an epic challenge. I have been eagerly checking my email to see what the next tip is!

the mum's functional health practiTioner

Carla Atkinson

I’m a Functional Nutrition Health Practitioner and Mineral Balancing Expert, specialising in helping mums struggling with exhaustion, low mood, anxiety, overwhelm, brain fog, and that sensation of feeling tired but too wired to sleep. 


I’m also mum to ‘fournado’ twin boys, and have struggled with and healed from anorexia, gut and digestive problems, no menstrual cycle, two miscarriages, depression, anxiety, perfectionism, exhaustion, brain fog, and pain from scoliosis.


I want to help you restore your strength and energy so you can get back to fully living and enjoying your life instead of feeling held back by your fatigue and health struggles.


No more dimmed, knackered versions of ourselves, let's become our true radiant selves!

So…what are you waiting for?